The DR Congo Needs Help Now!

Solving the Humanitarian Crises of Poverty & Isolation in the DR Congo

No One Should Die From Lack of Electricity or Clean Water in This Day and Age (Mubenga, 2020).” 


Poverty Can Only Breed More of the Same When Education is Financially Out of Reach 

Dr. Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga, Ph.D., PE, is a Social Entrepreneur, Founder, Professor, Engineer, and  Philanthropist.  After nearly dying of appendicitis in a hospital that had no electricity, she has made it her personal mission to help bring electricity to her native DR Congo.

She knows that Knowledge is Power, and that STEM Education can Transform a People or Nation.  Humanitarian aid to those suffering from Poverty and Rampant Human Rights Violations Can Bring Social and Economic Transformation.  

But College is Financially Out of Reach for Bright Young Congolese Students.  For Many Villages and Families, Nothing Has Changed To Improve Quality of Life For Many Generations.  The Children do Well in Early Education. But as They Cannot Afford To Attend University, They do Not Learn to Navigate the Modern World. They do Not Learn to Bring Electricity, Clean Water, or Improved Agricultural and Nutritional Outcomes to Their Communities or Villages. Without University Educations They do Not Know How to Obtain Funding for Micro Businesses that Create Jobs While Bringing Improvement for All.  

Dr. Mubenga funded 6 STEM scholarships from her own funds in 2018.  Since that time, she established the STEM DRC Initiative to raise funds for additional scholarships. By 2020, the Program had Awarded 70 Scholarships.  The Goal is to Award 100 Scholarships Per Year.  This Goal Can Be Reached with Your Help.  Together, We Can Make a Difference in the DRC by Funding More Students!

All Donations are Tax Deductible. Your Support Sends Kids to College and Prepares Them to be Future Leaders.  Our Scholarship Graduates will Create Social and Economic Opportunities for a Nation!  Ongoing Mentorship and Entrepreneurial Support is Provided to Our Scholars.  

Tax-Deductible Donations from America and the Diaspora To support STEM Scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Accepted at ( )


Together We Can Break the Cycle of Poverty and Create a Brighter Future For All Congolese People!”

The STEM DRC Initiative


Your donation, in any amount, will support higher education, helping to improve everyday lives for the 90% of Congolese people who live in abject poverty without access to even such basic needs such as food, clean water, or reliable electricity.


Education Today Creates Leaders Tomorrow! 
Our Graduates Will:

  • Bring Education to Children to Break the Bond of Illiteracy. Future Generations Will Be Better Prepared For Higher Education.
  • Improve Farming and Livestock Management Programs. Starvation and Malnutrition Can Be Eradicated When People Learn to Make Better Use of the Land, Plant More Nutritious Crops, and Efficiently Raise More Productive Livestock.
  • Create Infrastructure, Leading Efforts To Bring Technology as Basic as Electricity, Clean Water, and Health Care to Cities and Villages in Need. Infrastructure Opens Doors To Connect With the Outside World.
  • Modernize Health Care. Infant Mortality Will Decline and Quality of Life Will Be Lifted.
  • Found Micro-Enterprises To Employ The Unemployed. Where There is No Meaningful Economy or Commerce, New Job Creation Can Lift the Nation Out of Poverty.

Tax-Deductible Donations from America and the Diaspora To support STEM Scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Accepted at ( )



Help Us Break the Cycle and Create Socio-Economic Transformation in the DRC

Our Graduates Will Receive Mentoring and Entrepreneurial Support After Graduation, Helping Them Create Micro-Enterprises or even SMART Villages. They Will be Able to Impact Millions of Lives By Bringing STEM Technology to Their Cities and Villages.

Who Supports Our Scholarship Program?

Sponsorships or Donations from the DRC and its Diaspora including Congolese people living in the USA and throughout the world will help create a better tomorrow for future generations.

Current Corporate Supporters

Some of our current sponsors are listed below:

Tax-Deductible Donations from America and the Diaspora To support STEM Scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Accepted at ( )

Or use our Contact Form to propose sponsorship, partnership, or other support.

Are You Congolese?

Many people of Congolese Descent, or with a family connection have said they would like to “DO SOMETHING” to help the Congolese with social and economic advancement. This is that chance!

Please Donate Now, and Ask Your Employer To Support Us!

Do You Have Business Interests in the DRC?

Those with business interest in DR Congo would like to “DO SOMETHING” to help create a better prepared workforce. From Cobalt Mining To Manufacturing, The Need is Great. This is that chance! 

Please Donate Now and Be a Part of the Solution!

Do You Serve Education or Humanitarian Goals?

Many Foundations or Humanitarian Organizations Want To Serve the Neediest. This is that chance!

Please Donate Now and We’ll Help You Report Results to Stakeholders

Your Support, Today, Will Fund Scholarships

Support from USA Sponsors and Donations can help the STEM DRC Initiative provide STEM Scholarships for Up To 100 Deserving University Students In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo in Africa in the year 2020!

The STEM DRC Initiative


Tax-Deductible Donations from America and the Diaspora To support STEM Scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Accepted at ( )


Your Donations are Tax Deductible!

The STEM DRC Initiative is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization duly registered in the USA and the DRC.

Join a Cause Supported by The United Nations, The World Health Organization & The World Bank:  

The United Nations Has Targeted Education as a crucial “Sustainable Development Goal” or SDG for Underdeveloped or Underserved Populations. The World Health Organization Supports Improved Healthcare Through Education.  The World Bank is Funding Educational and Entrepreneurial Support as Valid Solutions to Poverty and Abuse.  Will you help us do this good work?

Your Donation Today Will Help The STEM DRC Initiative Create Socio-Economic Transformation in the DR Congo!

Tax-Deductible Donations from America and the Diaspora To support STEM Scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Accepted at ( )